
welcome to mat's site!!!

hi, thanks for stopping by. i am mat, i make things on the internet.
this is my personal web site on the world wide web.

matdoesdev adryd notnite shrecknt goldenstack honbra server scanning inc cbax 8minty slonkazoid actuallyruben jamie jamsharp sipacid dam mudkip lily aubrey haylin moore ezri thomas ricci aka rudrecciah yui aka zeroptr edna alula naphteine jordan aka 1sreal izzyn pineapple cat github kofi vscode hetzner anythingbutchrome tor ublock origin fight for privacy netscape internet archive thunderbird: free your inbox tested on firefox matrix caddy display a sand cat make a fish this 88x31 has been seized

my preferred method of contact is matrix, but you can also email me (i have a catch-all on this domain). i'm also on the fediverse.

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Page last updated: December 9, 2014

About this page

meow.. if you've found your way to this page, you're automatically cool in my opinion.

This page was originally created as an homage to old internet sites, similar to what you'd find on Geocities. It originally even had mostly-full support for old web browsers like NCSA Mosaic and Netscape Navigator (I went as far as to design the page using table layout, avoiding CSS, automatically converting PNGs into GIFs, and disabling the HTTPS redirect for User-Agents that don't handle these "modern" features well). Partial support for old browsers still remains, but as I've expanded this page that support has deteriorated. It's written with Svelte anyways, so it's a bit hard to avoid fancy new web features.

You may notice that this is not the main page of my website, and that the main page is much less provocative. I like to treat this page as a much lower-standards page that I can mess around with and do weird stuff on, since I expect it to have significantly fewer visitors due to not being linked anywhere obvious from my site and blocking search engine crawlers. If you were wondering, the "intended" ways of finding this page are by visiting a 404 page that randomly (5% chance) happens to show a 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons and clicking the text (which leads here), or by clicking a link on a friend's site that links to this page. Other ways (like reading the source code, or someone directly giving you the link) are valid too.

As you may have figured out by now, this website/domain contains within it many hidden and undocumented features (like the existence of this page). Here's a freebie, you can visit the main pages of this website through SSH, like by literally typing in your terminal ssh Some of the hidden features were made with the expectation that they'll never be found though (and many I've even forgotten about), so, good luck I guess.

Anyways, yap over. Go visit the sites of my friends linked in the 88×31 buttons above, they're all cooler than me.


> meow